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Welcome to the Webboffin's tutorials and web resources site!

This site contains some basic information for new web designers, as well as links to other web design resources.  Although it was originally conceived as a help site for members of Crosswinds Webhosting, it is useful for anyone getting started with a first website.

This site is also used as a testing ground for some of the webboffin's new design ideas.  Right now it's being used to test an original CSS-based Site Menu («« look to your left).
Comments and observations regarding this menu are welcome.  (Please read about it below before you evaluate it.)

Mozilla and Opera users:  If you're viewing this page with a Mozilla-based browser (Netscape 6x or 7x, Mozilla Firefox, Galeon, or any of the other Mozilla-based browsers), or version 7x of the Opera Browser, congratulations!  You can see the menu as it was designed, and you should be able to expand it by hovering the mouse over each section.

IE (5.x and 6) users will see the entire menu, fully-expanded, until IE is finally completely CSS2-compliant and recognizes the "> (child of)" selector and the ":hover" pseudoclass on elements other than links.  (Did a pig just fly by?)

Netscape 4.7x users will also see a fully-expanded menu, and a set of pages made just for viewing with NS 4.7x .  If you disable Javascript, you'll see that this page is readable without any scripting or CSS at all.  Your best bet is to upgrade your browser to one that is fully CSS-compliant.  You'll be thrilled to see how much nicer most other websites look, too.  &:-)

IE4 users might see rather a mess, as IE4's CSS support was buggy at best.  Again, you are advised to upgrade to a browser fully compliant with current CSS standards.  IE6 is not (regardless of claims made), but is certainly closer than IE4 was.  Any of the Mozilla browsers, as well as Opera7, are better choices here.

Please feel free to email us your observations, especially if you use other browsers like Konqueror or some of the newest Mac browsers.  The main concerns are the spacing and visual layout -- is the menu intuitive, does it open and close smoothly, is it easy to use?

Many thanks!

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